Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World

Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on global supply chains, exposing their fragility and vulnerability to disruptions. As businesses start to emerge from the pandemic and plan for the future, they must consider the lessons learned and adapt…

KPIs For Forecast Improvement

KPIs For Forecast Improvement

Why do I often hear demand planners’ fear of KPIs? I have seen reluctance in employing KPIs for forecast accuracy over the years for many reasons. Some consider it a stick to beat the planners with. A similar comment I hear…

Disruption RX Supply Chain Summit

Disruption RX Supply Chain Summit

Disruption RX is a complimentary virtual summit designed to help you rebound from unplanned shocks to your digital supply chain and seize new opportunities. Logility, Demand Solutions, and NGC customers, industry experts and thought leaders will come together to collaborate…

Serving the Market Free of Charge

Serving the Market Free of Charge

We have all heard the term; “we are living in unprecedented times”. What does that mean to your demand plan today and tomorrow? Businesses are struggling today to balance demand with resources. Demand Curves all over the pharma, food and…

The Benefits of Accurate Digitised Supply Planning (I)

The Benefits of Accurate Digitised Supply Planning (I)

What Is The Theory Of Constraints And How Can It Make Manufacturers Money? Identifying potential bottlenecks in your supply chain, in-house manufacturing processes or route to market is nothing new for a growing production business. But taking this basic common-sense…

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