Vitalcan adopted M.N Trusted Trader Platform to improve supply chain documentation for stakeholders across their supply chain.

Vitalcan adopted M.N Trusted Trader Platform to improve supply chain documentation for stakeholders across their supply chain.

Vitalcan adopted M.N Trusted Trader Platform to improve supply chain documentation for stakeholders across their supply chain.

Learn how:

Trusted Trader Platforms remove errors and delays caused by poor version control and exacerbated by different processes, run on disparate platforms that are only connected by Email.

All Supply chain documents from the Purchase Order to the Proof of Delivery are held in the blockchain to comply with customs procedures including; the Health Certificate for Export, Packing List, Certification of Origin and the Bill of Lading.  A digital proof of delivery process provides photographic evidence of the quality of shipments, thus removing a source of potential contention and making it quick and simple to sign off adjustments.

IoT tamper proof sensors help reduce wastage and alert shippers to deterioration of products in transit. Unplanned events trigger process such as Automatic Smart Contracts for returns and reordering, whilst activating the insurance claim to reclaim cash faster.

The Morpheus.Network Request Asset and Assign Asset modules, integrate with carrier systems to provide consistent data and asset security. Vitalcan has streamlined their process for requesting carriers for truck shipments and ensuring they have the correct license, sanitary and insurance documentation.

With the Morpheus.Network Carrier Portal or API, a carrier can assign a logistics asset based on VINs or Container IDs as well as driver documents to the load data such as Product IDs, Quantities, Weights ensuring consistency consistent across all prevailing technology platforms.

Security events based on cargo movements at unscheduled geo positions, or the opening of the truck, or container using the light sensor can imply a theft or robbery is taking place. This tamper proof history is key for Approved Economic Operator compliance using the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards.

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