Digital Supply Chain – Manufacturing Planning and Optimization

Logility’s manufacturing planning and optimization solution helps you create long-term capacity plans and short-term detailed schedules that increase production throughput, respect manufacturing constraints, optimize changeovers and lower inventory of finished goods and raw materials.

Digital Supply Chain – Manufacturing Planning and Optimization

Save time and costs across your production network. Using Logility’s powerful constraint-based planning techniques and graphical user interface, you can balance supply and demand through a realistic model of your manufacturing environment and relevant production constraints.

Excellent Support for Sales and Operations Planning
Logility’s manufacturing planning solution is a critical component of any sales and operations planning (S&OP) process. Fully integrated with other Logility solutions, it helps you achieve shorter cycle times, optimize production, deliver more responsive service and achieve a rapid return on investment.

One Solution for Capacity Planning and Detailed Scheduling
With powerful flexibility, Logility makes quick work of creating strategic long-range capacity plans, tactical master production schedules and operational work center schedules so that you can reliably meet service targets.

Now you can comprehensively represent even the most complex manufacturing environments to easily understand the impact of multiple constraints. Logility quickly resolves problems, using sophisticated algorithms to achieve different planning objectives. Along with extensive “what- if” capabilities, you have the ability to save and compare multiple versions of your plan. Interactive Gantt charts, graphs and reports make plans easy to interpret and refine.

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